ScarWorks Massage
Discover ScarWorks Massage, a gentle and safe technique specifically designed for scar management, offered by London Scar Therapy. Our experienced team provides ScarWorks Massage sessions in blocks of six or as a one-off session to help improve blood flow, promote healing, and reduce the appearance of scars.
Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Massage (IASTM)
London Scar Therapy offers Instrument Assisted Soft Tissue Massage (IASTM) as an effective scar management technique. Our team of RockBlades-trained therapists use specialised tools to improve scar tissue health and appearance.

Scar Management
Want to minimise the appearance of new scars without resorting to surgery? Check out these non-invasive tips from London Scar Therapy's experienced Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists, including silicone products, moisturising techniques, scar massage, and more

Silicone Treatments
Looking for a safe, effective, and non-invasive option for managing scars? Consider silicone! Read on to learn about the benefits and drawbacks of using silicone for scar management, as well as London Scar Therapy's years of experience in assessment and provision of the right silicone suited to each scar.

Compression Garments
Discover the benefits of using compression therapy for scar management with London Scar Therapy. Our experienced Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists offer custom compression garments tailored to your specific needs, helping you reduce swelling, inflammation, and improve overall scar health.

Skin Camouflage
London Scar Therapy offers professional skin camouflage services using high-quality product lines like Keromask, Dermacolor, and Kryolan. Our team of experienced therapists is trained by the British Association of Skin Camouflage (BASC) and provides tailored solutions to help you achieve a natural-looking appearance and feel confident in your own skin.