Working to restore hand function
Physiotherapists & Occupational Therapists specialised in Hand Therapy
Have you had a hand injury or a long-standing hand condition?
We will carry out a comprehensive hand assessment and rehabilitation to improve your hand related issues, aiming to restore your function.
Self Referral (for adult or child) - Book an appointment
I am a Healthcare Professional Referring
What we can offer you
Individualised Assessment
Personalised recommendations and interventions - no two hands are the same.
Bespoke Splinting
Custom removable thermoplastic splinting moulded to your hand in order to protect and support targeted structures.
Targeted Rehabilitation
Using our expert knowledge of the hand and upper limb we are able to target and strengthen specific muscle groups through rehabilitation programmes and exercises.
Functional Advice
We analyse the activities you need to return to and assess ergonomics, posture, strength and stability to improve your work-hardening.
Wound Management
We also offer post operative wound management
Specialist Scar Management
Our therapists are experts in scar management, able to minimise the impact of scarring.
Other Therapeutic Modalities
We also offer, Therabath Hot Wax joint mobilisation, IASTM (instrument assisted soft tissue massage), Kinesiology Taping, and report writing
Our Accreditations