Compression Garments

If you're looking for an effective non-operative technique for managing scars, you may want to consider compression therapy. At London Scar Therapy, we offer this service and have helped many of our clients improve the appearance and health of their scars.

Compression therapy involves using a special bandage or garment to apply pressure to the scar tissue. This pressure can help reduce swelling and inflammation, which in turn can help minimise the appearance of the scar. It can also help prevent the formation of new scars and improve the overall health of the skin in the affected area.

Here are some benefits of using compression therapy for scar management:

  1. Improved scar appearance: Compression therapy can help flatten and soften the scar tissue, which can make it less noticeable.

  2. Reduced itching and discomfort: Scars can be itchy and uncomfortable, especially if they are still healing. Compression can help alleviate these symptoms by reducing swelling and inflammation.

  3. Prevention of new scars: If you've recently had surgery or an injury, compression therapy can help prevent new scars from forming.

  4. Improved overall skin health: The pressure applied by the compression garment can help improve blood flow and oxygenation to the affected area, which can improve the overall health of the skin.

At London Scar Therapy, our team of experienced Occupational Therapists and Physiotherapists can measure and provide you with a custom compression garment that is tailored to your specific needs. We will work with you to determine the right level of compression and ensure that the garment fits comfortably and effectively.

In addition to compression therapy, we offer a range of other non-operative scar management techniques, including silicone products, moisturising techniques, scar massage, and more. By getting to know you and your scar, we can individualise our treatment plan to best suit your needs and help you achieve the best possible results.

In conclusion, if you're looking for a safe and effective non-operative technique for managing scars, consider compression therapy. At London Scar Therapy, we have years of experience in providing this service and can help you achieve the best possible results.

Book an appointment now.

  • Brown, M., Waycaster, C., & Beer, K. (2015). Cost-effectiveness of a silicone foam dressing for the prevention of hypertrophic and keloid scarring in patients with median sternotomy wounds in the United States. Journal of medical economics, 18(10), 791-798.

  • Gold, M. H., McGuire, M., Mustoe, T. A., Pusic, A. L., Sachdev, M., Waibel, J. S., & Murcia, C. (2014). Updated international clinical recommendations on scar management: part 2—algorithms for scar prevention and treatment. Dermatologic surgery, 40(8), 825-831.

  • Nedelec, B., Rachelska, G., Szymaniak, M., & Goldstein, J. (2014). The use of silicone adhesives for scar reduction. Advances in Wound Care, 3(7), 422-430.

  • Tsai, C. Y., Wu, C. H., Chen, K. H., Chen, Y. T., Wang, Y. H., Huang, C. C., & Lin, S. D. (2018). Early application of pressure garment for the prevention of hypertrophic scar in patients with burn injury: a meta-analysis. Annals of plastic surgery, 80(6S), S339-S344.

  • Anzarut, A., Olson, J., Singh, P., Rowe, B. H., Tredget, E. E., & Hameed, M. (2016). The effectiveness of pressure garment therapy for the prevention of abnormal scarring after burn injury: a meta-analysis. Journal of Plastic, Reconstructive & Aesthetic Surgery, 69(4), 484-493.


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